Sewer Line & Conduit Locating

Sewer Line & Conduit Locating Services
Sewer lines, conduits, or other facilities comprised of plastic, clay, or tile are not locatable via electromagnetic methods and therefore not typically identified and marked in the field prior to construction activities. This is especially true for sewer laterals which in most cases are considered “customer owned” past the property line and therefore not located as part of the state One Call process. This can be a costly and dangerous practice. Often time’s damages to these facilities remain unknown until issues arise. This can include blockage of the line, or even natural gas seepage back up into the building.
Safe Site will utilize various pieces of scanning equipment and our vast experience to accurately locate these facilities so that underground construction can proceed safely or to allow for engineering / mapping activities. We can also provide map records of these facilities or install buried ID Markers to enable electromagnetic locating of these facilities in the future. We can make your system locatable saving you countless hours, expense, and potential damages in the future.

Benefits of this Service
- Identify and mark sewer laterals/services to avoid damage
- Mapping sewer laterals for permanent record
- Creating a “locatable” facility system that your employees can readily mark out as needed
- Finding sewer obstructions, even under home foundations
- Pinpointing conduit obstructions or damages for repair
- Identify location of conduit road crossings